List of Accredited PA Programs by State

list of pa accredited programs

In mid-1960s, accredited PA programs for physician assistance were created as a position to relieve primary care physician shortage. They are working in family medicine and earn a half salary of physicians. For physicians working in specialties, they earn 1/3 as much as physicians do in the same specialty.

Accredited PA Programs

Here is your definitive guides to the cheapest PA programs and to 10 programs to apply and enroll to become a physician assistant in the future:

  • A.T. Still University: The physician assistant studies give a learning-centered education that develops great physician assistants in delivering whole person healthcare with the emphasis on the underserved populations. The program has the commitment to fulfill their mission. When it comes to the clinical component, students will attend clinical rotations in different disciplines of medicine. They will be supervised by clinical professors in order for them to advance their clinical knowledge through working with different health care professionals and patients.
  • Midwestern University: The physician assistant program offers its student with a centered environment in which they can develop their skills as competent and compassionate physician assistant. The self-directed learning, inter-professional service, and education as well as faculty mentors will help students learn what it takes to give critical services like minor surgical procedures, patient diagnoses, healthy counseling and emergency medicine. The program will work with you in building a career that will make you successful.
  • Northern Arizona University: The physician assistant program is the only program offered at a public school in the nation. The good thing is that the program is accredited by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education of Physician Assistant. For graduates, they will receive a physician assistant studies master’s that allows them to be qualified in taking the physician assistant national certification exam that is needed for licensure as a physician assistant.
  • Harding University: The physician assistant program is a 28-month program that leads to Master of Science degree in PA studies. It is the first physician assistant program in Arkansas and they are excited about the potential impact of their program on local people as well as around the world. The program has 271 graduates since 2005 and they are practicing in Arkansas and other 15 states in different settings, including urgent care, primary care, geriatrics, dermatology, oncology, surgery, mental health and others.
  • Loma Linda University: The program is looking forward to welcoming application to become part of the PA program. The staff and the faculty in their department are committed to making students’ education as well as training great. They are pleased if you take some time to explore their site and to know all the details that you need to assist you to know if it is the right program for you. Additionally, the program is excited in offering quality physician education that will meet the America’s demand changing health care delivery system.
  • South Alabama University: This University is one of the accredited PA programs that you can choose from because they foster an environment promoting application and acquisition of culturally sensitive, skills and patient-oriented clinical knowledge in producing diverse workforce of physician assistants that practice medicine with professionalism, compassion, and competence driven by spirit of service to community and academic excellence. The program was established in the year 1996 and it is designed for students who want to become successful in their chosen career.
  • Red Rocks Community College: The physician assistant program is the only degree that offers community college program in the United States. The program is accredited by Accreditation Review Commission of Education for Physician Assistant. They school is offering courses that lead to a certificate in PA studies as well as prepare students for physician assistant national certifying exam that administered by National Commission for Certification of Physician Assistants. If graduates passed the PANCE, they will be eligible for licensure in any state.
  • GW: The department of physician assistant studies builds great public health and primary care foundations to its students. With proximity to White House, United States Congress and other major medical professional organizations, the program gives truly unique chance to witness the democratic process.
  • Adventist University of Health Sciences: The physician assistant profession is enjoying constant growth as well as demand in health care job market. The program offered by the university is educating compassionate, spiritually and knowledgeable healthcare providers. Whether practicing nationally, globally or locally, the program molds graduates that will embrace the service mission to others.
  • Emory University: The program has a proud and long history as one of the best programs in the nation. Their mission is to educate, mentor and recruit a diverse group of students that will provide compassionate healthcare. The program creates an educational environment that will promote an understanding of ethical issues and human needs as well as application and acquisition of patient-oriented clinical skills and knowledge.

admission to accredited pa programs advice

A Piece of Advice from the Expert

According to Dr. Pham, who is the vice president of family medicine department at Western University of Health Sciences, said that applicants should do well in writing their personal statement. They need to catch the attention of the reader in their first paragraph. Also, the personal statement should be memorable according to him.

There you have the schools that you can check out if you want to enroll in pa programs in NY. Choose the best online PA programs accredited and study your options well.

Enroll in one of the accredited PA programs today!

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